
By schorschi


Posting this in 2018, just after the President of the United States, Mr Donald Trump, had to accept his candidate as Supreme Court Judge, Mr Brett Kavanaugh, having his early 1980s student day diaries and relationships subjected to an FBI investigation. The accusation is of sexual assault being made by a Professor Christine Ford and others. He claims he always behaved himself during the week and was out of town most weekends and therefore couldn't have done it.

I will be posting all my diaries for my single years a.s.a.p. so that I can't be accused of later hiding anything when I am nominated to be President of Europe. And I am 100%, no 200% sure that I cannot be accused of any sexual assault - one can discuss the rankings for skill, transition, performance, composition, and interpretation. 42 years later, I still have "remote digital" contact with two of the female names, but I hope they have forgotten my no doubt poor scores out of 10.

However, the entries for September 1976 may be worrying for some. The entries starting from 21st "C/Ford"is not the Christine Ford but a then hotel in London the Clifton Ford.

The "Annabel" who appears often had been my (1st) girlfriend, and we had officially broken up (her correct decision) on 12th July but kept on getting together even on September 13th, our 3rd anniversary, and we met late (she was a nurse so late shift) and enjoyed an Italian meal at Monte Bello presumably somewhere near the Nurses Home around Oxford St/Tottenham Court Rd.

Only when questioned by Interpol will I reveal what the "subjective" remarks mean e.g. "Good" or "Good!". "Stayed the night" is not subjective and is simply that!

A bit troubling are the numerous names of pubs. I can try claiming the midweek 9th visit to the Windsor Castle was an official visit to HM. That it was followed at 10:00 pm by a visit to the Barbarella's nightclub and Annabel staying the night, are probably a mistake and even if the following day shows "Shattered".

The "Grenadier" is a somewhat famous tiny pub in Belgravia and a place I often visited when things were getting "serious"; or a need for a bit of class to rub off on me; or hoping memories might rekindle the fire, and it usually did!

Yes there are entries during the week containing female names: Lucy, Lulia/Lou and Mandy, but they were all harmless - honest see 7th.

Geotag on my then flat.

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