Picture postcard

Into Kendal, this morning, for coffee with an old work colleague called Dave. I see him every couple of years and try and get him to come and work with me but he always says no.

We sat in the sun outside the Warehouse Café at the Brewery and chewed the fat, talking about people we knew, about growing old (he was sixty, this year), and, well, just this and that. It was lovely. 

Afterwards I walked back to the office, taking a few snaps of Kendal in the sunshine, which is not its usual setting. This was the best of the bunch - make of that what you will - looking just like a picture postcard. And I've just realised that that name means that once upon a time a postcard with a photo on the front must have been a novelty.

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Reading: 'How To Be An Artist' by Bill Drummond. (Book 20) I actually finished this, yesterday. And it was a bit of a cheat; I’ve read it before. But I was losing the will to read and this - Drummond’s ‘On The Road’ - was just what I needed. Not everyone’s cup of tea, for sure, but I’m a big fan of Bill’s. 
Next: Matt Haig’s ‘How To Stop Time’. 

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