Waterfall (Day 1247)

With the morning woofer wander and a bit of paperwork done, I headed off to Harray to deal with a job which has been waiting for me for a while. 
It is one I have been avoiding as it was going to mean crawling around under a sink on a manky floor. Some things just can't be put off any longer. It went as well as could be expected and I was home for lunch with my beautiful wife. The sky darkened and the heavens opened as we got ourselves organised to take the woofers out, and by the time we were heading out the rain was torrential.
HV suggested that we might be best walking at Happy Valley, where there is a little shelter from the worst of the weather. I had left the camera at home and attempted to take a reasonable shot of one of the little waterfalls which is flowing much faster after all the recent rain.

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