A Dog's Dinner

By G

Class War

Today, in the UK, the senior bankers whose job it was to look after the wellbeing and prosperity of a bank which was founded in 1727, were defending their position to the House of Commons. They said they were sorry for it's failure, but seemed to be in completely out of touch with the rest of the world. Today the same bank announced another 2000 job losses.

Last night a senior polititian, tipped to be a future Prime Minister said that this recession was "more extreme and more serious than that of the 1930s".

Also last night a former Deputy Prime Minister attacked the bonus culture of bankers in term of class.

If it's true that history repeats itself, we should be hearing from an extreme Right Wing politician any day now selling us a vision of the future led by him. and it will be a him, and none of that democracy nonsense.

We live in interesting times.

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