Let There Be Light

By solli

Old School Memories

I'm old school. I still use the Osterizer blender I first bought in 1977, and my mother's Sunbeam Mixmaster from the 196o's is the preferred choice for making all the delicious recipes that have been handed down with love from my grandmother, mom, aunts, girlfriends and neighbors.

I burned the cover of this 1971 edition of the Joy of Cooking when I was trying to roast a turkey in an electric oven in Wilton Manors, Florida on Thanksgiving day, 1973. I also roasted the plastic bag of giblets that was tucked inside the cavity of the bird. :-)

Thanksgiving eve brings lots of wonderful memories, like the time I set the kitchen on fire and made two pumpkin pies but forgot to add the sugar. Many things to reflect upon and to be grateful for. Truly.

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