Train Travel Ettiquette...

My recent spate of train commutes has given me a whole world of new people watching to get up to. You start to notice things and certain re-occurring traits.

For instance, have you seen the laptop users on trains? Not so uncommon but what about the laptop users that play Solitaire on the train. I think you generally get free internet on trains these days so there's a million more imaginative things that could be gotten up to.

I do like the train commute, especially as it takes me across The Bridge but one thing that particularly annoys me about train travel is a quite universal lack of respect, especially during rush hour, for the persons coming off the train.

Everyone seems to crowd right at the doors in a semi-circular shield of humans hanging on the lighting up of the door opening button. Then anyone getting off has to do so by jostling through the people stampeding to get on.

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