An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

Seed head

Like a dandelion, but not one... this was virtually on ground level in the grass and my handy pullout screen was utilised - except that the sun was so bright, that I couldn't really see the image anyway. Must be a short relative of the dandelion.

I went to a (very early in my opinion) Christmas party last night. Christmas shouldn't start until December (preferably 24th of) in my opinion (or, not at all would be better, but then I'm just a pagan disbeliever, so I know I'm going against the tide with that one).

One thing I'm very happy about with my camera is that every image I have blipped with it so far is SOOC (apart from cropping and the mono ones). Previously, I often had to sharpen and saturate and goodness knows what else to get a decent image, but no more!

Bigger wispy bits

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