horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Royal Scots

I'd gone to Princes Street Gardens during lunch, armed with a bag of nuts to try and tempt another little chap that I saw a couple of weeks back. After all, he ran towards me when I crouched to take the shot, presumably thinking I had some food. So with actual food I should get some really close-up images.

But there wasn't a squirrel in sight - all clearly staying indoors out of the cold. So I made do with a panorama of the Royal Scots Memorial, which I'd never wandered round before. Ah, the futility of war - ably demonstrated by the number of conflicts engraved into this memorial.

We never learn.

Work wasn't as bad as I'd feared (which probably means tomorrow will make up for it), so no massive rants (I'd contemplated something about war, but that thought really is too depressing). Maybe tomorrow. Maybe.

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