Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Wombats in the kitchen!

Wombat was definitely in the kitchen today. It’s been raining again and it was just the day to hop in and do a bit of baking. On the left you have the “Best Ever” Banana Cake and on the right the most delicious Cauliflower Au Gratin!! Let me tell you it’s ages since I’ve made the Cauliflower dish and it was wonderful.

Without a doubt I’m popping with pride tonight. I had a message appear on my mobile from my Big Brother - blipper Allan46. Unbeknown to me, Big Al had been nominated for a big Tennis award in Western Australia and at a dinner attended by 300 people last night he was announced the winner of - The 2018 WA Tennis Industry Award for Services to Tennis.
“For outstanding and dedicated contribution to the development of tennis in Western Australia 2017/2018. I can’t tell you how proud I am of Al. He has been a huge contributor to the sport in Western Australia for over 60 years and I couldn’t hold back the tears when I read the wonderful words that accompanied Al’s nomination. I do know one thing for sure, our beautiful Mum and Dad would be so proud of Al and Dad would be telling everyone in heaven that would listen that he taught him everything he knew about tennis!! He’s still got a huge cannon ball serve at the ripe old age of 72 :). Good on you BB.

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