Doing Things Differently

By PhilWWalton

@BORG2012BORG Reflecting on Bradford's Regeneratio

In the past couple of days, when I've said that I live in Leeds and work in Bradford, two people have started Leeds v Bradford discussions. We all agree that Bradford missed a trick. The city has a long way to catch up with Leeds in the regeneration stakes, but it is great to see that at last it is trying.

Last night I went out for a meal with colleagues. Walking through the City Park, I just had to capture the above scene on my iPhone. Despite the controversy it has aroused, this investment has paid off. Now we need more money to be invested in the area that was behind me when I took this picture. The Bradford Odeon must be brought back to life, so that it can stand proudly next to its smaller sibling, the Alhambra.

In true panto fashion, the CinderOdeon must shed its drab skirts and be allowed to come to the Bradford Ball.

(For more information please see @BradfordOdeon @BORG2012BORG and their related websites)

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