
By Pugsman

Intricate beauty

Intricate beauty is found in the spiders web, which I nearly missed as I walked through the garden. The spider was well hidden to my eye, probably because the only thing that seems to have been captured are droplets of water.

I'm making a korma curry for Jane and I, which is now on a low heat and ready for whenever we are hungry. Same recipe as usual, although I have finely chopped up some Rocket, which needed to be used up. I've made double portions, so that I can freeze one for another day.

The new ceiling I'm am installing upstairs has come to a standstill. I'm at the stage where I am researching putting up ceiling coving, and collecting together all the right tools. I struggled with coving once before, but I have got more time to prepare now that I am retired.

It is a concern that Jane is having a bed day today. Not because she does not want to get up, but because she is too uncomfy in both her chair or wheelchair.

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