A Death of Cold

If I came home sopping wet, my mother would say, 'get out of those wet things before you catch your death of cold'. I usually did because it seemed a good idea but I never really believed, particularly after I learned a bit about biology, that getting cold or wet leads to a cold but it seems I might have been wrong. More recent research seems to indicate that you are more likely to go down with a cold if you do get cold and wet.

Anyway, after the good soaking I got on Saturday morning, it was apparent to me yesterday that I was going down with a cold and it's a ba shocker. Anyway I haven't been far today but I've had lots to do indoors so I went out to the fence to take a quick blip of the Virginia creeper on the fence. It's not very good, the vibration reduction probably had a job coping with my shivering but that's it I'm afraid. I'm sure I'll be better tomorrow.

There's some new news on Tim (SarumStroller) 's funeral It will be at 4pm on Tuesday 30th October at the crematorium in Salisbury.  FreeSpiral has reproduced the full text of the message and to read more you can see it on her journal.

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