The Misty Path to Loughborough

Another day of rain. It's not been like this since April. Len came with Basil and me to walk the path between Jubilee Wood and the Outwoods. Coming out at the other end, Loughborough was obscured by mist and low cloud.

A good opportunity to put some intentional camera movement into practice. But I have to be honest, it didn't work very well today and I've deleted half the photos. Extra is a 'straight' one of some beautiful beech leaves turning the colour of the season.

Admin this morning. After our walk, I had to go in hunt of some flea/tick killer for Basil. Frontline was to be found neither at the pharmacy nor the vets in Shepshed so I was forced to drive into Loughborough to look for some. We've ended up with a different brand which has to be administered every four weeks.

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