
Usually a Sunday evening event, bubble bath time was during the middle of the day today.

Stormy weather did it's best to chase away sleep last night, especially persistent was the dustbin lid crashing up against the bedroom window! It continued this morning causing several powercuts so I thought I'd have my bath as soon as the power was back on (& re-pressurised the boiler of course) so it was daylight should it go off again.

Thought I'd somewhat solved the lack of TV recordings problem by getting out the old dvd recorder but I couldn't get it to work. It would record live but the timer wouldn't work. Think I've sorted it now but I ended up watching last night's TV on the laptop using BBC's I-player (Casualty) and Demand5 (CSI:Miami). It was the last ever CSI episode so it was weird watching it on a computer screen rather than on the TV but at least I didn't miss it altogether :)

Anyway, of course I have purple towels and purple soap! :)

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