Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


Was looking at halloween decorations on our walk and realized I was looking at 2 webs here —a street apart.   I should be able to figure out the hyperfocal distance to get both in focus together but alas, need practice.  (the PhotoPills app will do the figuring….  next time. maybe)

Today's big “events”.....A comcast repair guy at 8 am AND later a cleaning service to check out our house.    With so many friends moving to retirement homes, I decided since this is ours,  the least I could do to inch toward the retirement home benefits is hire someone else to clean—-we haven’t done this for at least 20 years …I’m very exited,  H is much less so. :-)  He likes to vacuum, but that's all....

Extra...on the rowing dock late afternoon

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