We Christened him...

... Joseph; for obvious reasons.
WednesDAY, as opposed to WednesNIGHT. 
So it was a day trip>>>----->somewhere.
The norm is a garden centre, but, due to recent Blipmeet at Lingholm Kitchen where we encountered a Liquidambar.
We recently discovered how colourful they got in autumn so today was a Lingholm trip to check its progress. Very little change - yet; so we had a brew, studied the menu and voted to flee the camp.
Thence to "The Wainwright" in Keswick for a bite to eat and toddle down to the shores of Derwentwater Blips for the seeking of.
This snazzy gent caught the collective eye and - since two of my Blip criteria are as follows:-
1. Likelihood of repetition (or NOT).
2. Record of events/progress.
I reckoned I'd be unlikely to see this chap again in a hurry, and it's so long since I saw what's beneath the plastic "Tent" that I deemed a record was called for.

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