"Bread henge"

Thursday 25th October 2018

I didn't have a very good start to the day but I eventually got going. 

1) EVERYTHING is now washed and ironed ... except the clothes I am wearing but that would have been difficult! 
2) Batch cooking complete, both freezers full to bursting - I think I have enough now to get me to Christmas.
3) Car load gone to the tip.
4) Bread made. I haven't made any for a long while. 

The little people all came out with their cameras and named the construction "bread henge". 

The fitbit announced that it had automatically detected two exercise sessions today classed as "sport". Actually, one was my trip to the tip and the other was when I made the bed! It also awarded me the lifetime (of the fitbit) "Penguin March" badge.  Apparently since I got it I have walked the same distance that the Emperor Penguins do on their annual trip to the breeding grounds. Well, that brightened up my day. :-)

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