Icebergs...Mountains...Lakes...and Clouds

What a the moment we are all feeling a little worse for wear....a smile on our dials ‘cause we just had the most fabulous day.
We started out rather early to catch the morning mist at the ‘Ponds’. Every 5 mins was a stop for something fabulous...white deer...big boofy clouds...snow capped name it. 1st extra.

Then we headed over to Loch Cameron..... 2nd extra and Lake Poaka main pic.
I could hardly contain my eyeballs dancing at the glorious still lake....magnificent reflections...and well...the general beauty of the place........I also had to pick up my jaw from the floor (again...and many times). Like I said before’s great to be hanging out with locals/Photographers...they always know the best and most beautiful of places.

After Lunch we headed for Aoraki/Mt Cook and to see the Icebergs excited....3rd and 4th extra. Getting closeup and personal with the mountain was one of the things that I loved ...the Icebergs...looked so small from where I was shooting from ..but when a boatload of folk went by I could see just how big they were.
I couldn’t get down to the waters edge but Rainie did and captured a beauty...(when she finally gets around to posting).
There is so much more to the day...the wonderful things seen on the walk to the Icebergs...tiny little flowers...lichen in so many different colours...moss that looked like tiny bubbles...I had to snap as much of it as I could....but it was the cloud that looked like a chicken with the most awesome sun dog surrounding it that is my last fiddling with this except lightening the mountain top which was illuminated by the sun that was behind the cloud. A little bit later the chicken turned into a fish that was also fabulous with the colours limning around the bottom of the cloud......but I did like the chicken best.
Well I seem to of rambled on for ages and I need to get to bed....I’m stuffed and my feet are sore....such a great day.

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