
By HeartFreek

Bluebell Cottage

This is our little Cottage. We moved in just over a year ago.

Last November we had to have the roof replaced - vast expense - but worth it.

Tomorrow, we loose a little bit of history from this 200 year old bakers cottage as we are having the upstairs windows replaced - sadly. I didn't want them done at all, but they are very drafty and not at all secure so I gave in. Hubby wants the front door replaced too but I will not give in to a UPV door. It needs to be a traditional wooden one, so for now, that can wait!

It wasn't until I uploaded the blips that I noticed the Rainbow! (no pot of gold in that roof sadly! - just tooks lots of pots of gold to pay for it!!) So Im thrilled I went out when I did. I shall update you tomorrow with our horrible new windows!!!

Hope you get to see a Rainbow where you are. Happy blipping!


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