If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

A village hall ceiling.

A long but interesting day.  Clickychick and I spent the day at an RPS distinctions advisory day.  We had to be over beyond Hexham for 10:00 so it was  up early and off.  Thank goodness for that extra hour in bed.  The journey over was good apart from the showers.

Being an observer I found the day relaxing and I certainly learned a lot, not least about how picky assessors can be (they mustn't be called judges).  Joking aside it was fascinating to see peoples different ideas and styles of photography and hear the opinions of people who must have seen thousands of images.

As photography of any work other than your won was banned and putting even your own on social media was not allowed I had to try for some other blips.  The supports in the ceiling caught my eye and a few outdoor shots at lunch time on a little point and shoot while my DSLR is poorly sick.  As the subject I chose was uninteresting I thought mono might help.

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