The Anticipation

Up to the clock cafe for the traditional pre-match breakfast  - five of us - Rog, AJ, young Tommy and the warmly happed up SK, though a longer walk than usual as the match was at Murrayfield, due to it being a ‘big game’ of some importance. In the event, it was of no importance whatsoever. Who wants to win something called the BetFred Cup anyway? Not us. And clearly not our team judging by the way they played. Having Naismith limping off after a couple of minutes hardly helped, mind. As long as it stayed 0-0 we were in with a chance. Once we went one nil down, there was no way back, and at the end, only losing 3-0 was quite a flattering scoreline.
Still we caroused away back in the Diggers, till it was time to go home and change - and head back to the same venue with the daughter for young Callum’s ‘evening after’ wedding party. And it was much fun, though after a few beers, I fear I became a bit of a fan-boy of Rob and Jamie from the famous Alibis. I’ve listened to their whole album since then on Deezer. I hope they spend their earned £0.000018 wisely.  

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