One Eyed Wellingtonian

This was actually quite a dangerous shot as The Boss was worried about his cap blowing off in the southerly which would have blown it away so it was a bit of a quickie, watched with amusement by some passers by. There are always lots of those on the waterfront and always something different going on too. 
10,000 images bit the dust today and there is about another 9000 to go before everything gets reloaded and a different plan gets started that will not generate all those images that I don't need or want. And some fellow on Youtube had a video on how to get Lightroom and Photoshop back to speed after the dreadful upgrade so all is well with the world here in Wellington anyway...Oh  except for the earth moving thingie which we did feel on the 8th floor but again NFF   (No Fault Found) 

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