
By Transitoire

L'organiste isolé

Had a rather lazy, if satisfying day today! Was only in school for an hour, and worked with the sixième INTER on creating a character map of the protagonist of their novel. My group were very enthusiastic and incredibly literate for ten, eleven year olds. They did my job for me really! Had a quick chat with the troisième INTER and rather nervously broached the subject of taking their only half an hour break from work and making them do an English class with me. What originally was going to be something they had to turn up to once a month has now turned into a fully-fledged class happening every week because of their really enthusiastic reception to the idea. And to think that I was worried! I'm really looking forward to working with all the INTER classes on my own, as the things I'm planning on doing are fun hopefully trying to make them see that English is not always a chore to do or something to just learn!

Managed to finally write a letter in French about my Remboursements médicaux, something I've been meaning to do since week three. Had it all done, all the proof collected, in an envelope, address found and on envelope...couldn't find the post office. Oh well, I would say that was an almost success! Also did a bit of research into towns within easy reach of Caen...preparing for when Andy comes (bit early I know, but I'm slightly excited!). Also managed to create an airtight question for my French essay so can now begin work on it. All in all, I think I've had a pretty productive day!

When in Caen I finally managed to look inside Saint-Pierre, something that I've been meaning to do for ages. Absolutely gorgeous inside, pretty much exactly as expected. What I wasn't expecting, however, was the lone organist...playing music to an audience of exactly one. Me.

I don't think he even noticed that I was there.

That idea of someone playing, just for the love of the music is something that really got me today. Within that church, and within that space of time I was definitely at peace with myself. Quite a strange experience really, and I guess if I ever went back I wouldn't have the same reaction. Also saw photographs of Saint-Pierre after the Second World War...not pretty. No spire either, or much else around it. It never stops being astonishing just how well Normandy managed to rebuild itself.

Here is a selection of pictures from my day. All the leaves are off the trees, but somehow the blossom has stuck on. I guess sometimes, things that seem fragile are stronger than you think. Other things include the stained glass, that I usually only photograph from outside the church, an angel (the other audience member to me), and also a candle that I lit in the church. It just seemed appropriate somehow.

Here's to still being surprised by everything.

So, would have ended there but ended up going for an impromptu drink with Thomas and a few here's to many more surprise invitations.

And would have ended there, but I feel I have to mention a spontaneous Skype session with Andy. Being apart for so long sometimes makes time when we have "full contact" quite stressful as you both are aware of a time limit, and want to somehow tell everything. Spontaneous Skype makes all this go away, as you've not planned it, somehow the pressure isn't there. I haven't really explained this in the best way, but it's a really good thing!

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