Jake's Journal

By jakethreadgould


I'm practically sat in front of two characters from Made in Chelsea as I write this.

There aren't many accents that grate on me, in fact I love to study regional accents (on youtube). But, where the heck does the modern, upper-class accent come from? The one where they go up at the end of every sentence, as if it's a question?. The one with the considerable, lazy, croaky drawl as if they can't enunciate the words around the spoon. They certainly don't speak like that in Downton Abbey...

When two of these posh people collide public spaces the conversation seems to take on the following default structure. I'm am scribing this in real-time as they discuss their difficult, but resentfully fulfilling lifestyles :

Posh-o 1: So good to see you, like so good. How's the fashion show you're organising?
Posh-o 2: Yah, really well, I mean it's like really hard work, and my art is being neglected, but yah so good.
Posh-o 1: (Having not really listened to a word of posh-o 2) Awesome! I mean it's really good for your future and things.... (a glaikit smile creeps across her face)

Posh-o 1: We were in the Highlands, (swallows while composing her thoughts) of Scotland. It was so beautiful, like, everywhere you looked, but you have to really get to the know the locals there, to actually enjoy it.
Posh-o 2: Yah, yah... local knowledge. So good.

I'm practically scribing the conversation and posh-o 1 just came out with this beautifully typical sentence, and this is not one word of a lie:

"He just lived in this council flat, and went to a state school, but he was really lovely. He was from Carlisle or something, which is like this really horrible city in the North? and he even had this accent - they're a really odd couple".

Deary me...

The guy in the picture is a drummer and spare-time fisherman. I talked with for an hour and a half, in which time he caught 1 codling and maybe over 10 flounder.

No bad yershel...

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