Birthday woozles

Today was Charley's first birthday! We also publicly gave thanks for our boys as part of the service this morning at church. It was quite a powerful service too. Hearts touched, God speaking encouragement, faith rising and being strengthened.

All the grandparents are here, plus one of my brothers and his wife, plus an aunt - it's been a full busy house. We kinda planned to go back out to Arundel this afternoon but energy levels were at a definite low and the indecisive weather was offputting as well so we decorated the birthday cake, opened presents, and cooked a roast dinner instead.

Charley was quite enamoured with the first present he opened (with Ben's help), a plastic pull-along snail, and he happily took it for walkies while Ben opened the rest of Charley's presents.... gotta love big brothers, huh!

Steve had a leadership meeting to go to this evening so he didn't get to sit and eat with us so I videoed Charley's reaction to the roman candle we put in his cake (we had no regular candles, and seeing as he'd enjoyed the one I had on my cake last month and we had a few of them lying around it seemed rude not to!) and sent him the link :)

Ben and I nearly cried later on when everyone went home. I don't see my brothers nearly enough. You'd think living so close to London we'd at least see the London pair a little more often! Ben said he was going to miss everyone, and started crying and came for a cuddle. My parents took my brother and his wife home, they're back Tuesday. Steve's parents went back to their B&B, they'll be back in the morning.

Kinda weird having an evening to ourselves, the boys and I. But as usual on evenings like this they were asleep on the sofas when Steve got home :)

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