The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

New loch discovered in Tesco's car park

On Tuesday night a heavy storm caused widespread flooding in several parts of Stroud, including our school, our nursery and Tesco's car park. I wasn't at work in nursery on Wednesday but I was selling cards at a charity event in the school hall, so I witnessed the aftermath. This was Tesco's car park today, nearly 36 hours after the storm.

Today was supposed to be my at-home day. Fortunately I didn't switch on my mobile, but got up, did some planning, made a cooked breakfast and a gf loaf, sorted the dishwasher and got into the bath before I realised the universe was trying to contact me. I ignored it for a while.

Eventually I did switch on my mobile. Nursery needed me. General shortages of staff at work: could I come in? I did the lunch-cover shift (almost 2 hours) and then decided it wasn't worth going home before the proposed climbing session, so went to Tesco's, and the museum. I visited briefly the two exhibitions, but everywhere seemed crowded and I just wanted to sit down somewhere quiet. However, as I was about to leave, a friend of mine entered, so we decided to have a coffee.

Later, I headed back to school to meet up for climbing, but by this time my stomach was cramping violently. We set off, but I soon realized I'd never make it up the wall in that state, so LA home instead. I'm now in bed, because there's a TV, and it's handy for the bathroom.
Here's hoping that homeopathy and a bland diet/starvation can sort my guts out soon.

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