
By DonnaWanna

It was an Illawarra Flame Tree

We couldn't go for a walk this morning as it was quite stormy and Jake had an early appointment at the Ruff Ruff Beauty Parlour around the corner for a bath and nail job.

I dropped him off and as I drove back I noticed the red flowering tree from yesterday was getting tossed around in the strong wind and pouring rain. I was a bit sad because I really wanted to get a close up of those beautiful flowers and I felt sure they would be all gone by tomorrow.

Just as I got to work and poured my first coffee there was a break in the clouds and the rain stopped. I grabbed the phone and raced out and down the street like a mad woman.

Perfect timing, I took about five shots and the rain started again so I pelted back to work and checked what I had captured. I was pleasantly surprised.

At some stage in the madness of it all I realised that these beautiful red flowers looked very similar to Jacaranda flowers.

I did a quick bit of searching with Mr Google and it didn't take long to discover that it is an Illawarra Flame Tree.

So the quest for a blip shot had not only been exciting and gotten my blood moving but had been quite informative too ;)


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