Odd pot

As you can see, I hadn't got a suitable blip, so with time and daylight running out, I took this from the bus stop (with Henry's much better phone) I do like the quirky chimney pots that seem to decorate many of the buildings in this area. I wonder why there is an odd one!

Last night I spent the whole evening trying to piece together the final days of Archie Peck's life. I identified where his battalion were on the first day of the battle of the Somme - 1st July 1916 - the day he died. There were 14 battalions in this particular area, went over the top, after being given the order, at 7.30am. 57,000 of them died that day. Archie was one of them. He lies in an unmarked grave, but his name is forever etched on the Thiepval memorial where Daniel, Mollie and Henry have had the good fortune to be taken, on respective school history trips. I'd like to go next year some time, so am gathering as much information as I can to make the trip meaningful. I can't remember the name of the area on the Somme where he died, but will add it when I get home for anyone interested. Then I'll research my Norwich great uncle in the same way. He does have a grave, and so this will be a definite place on my itinerary. I hope 2019 is going to be a busy and interesting year.

Work started ok but then ballooned into a 'lots to do and not enough time' kind of day. But I'm on the bus now because I want to go swimming.

Must start my Christmas shopping...

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