My wee man

Cousteau's been injured with a sore paw. He's pretty much fixed now but I'm still trying to get him to take it easy.

Tonight, we took our first walk together in two weeks on the beach. Of course, despite my best efforts, Cousteau ran around like a mad thing. He thinks he's fixed, at least.

It felt good to be out on the beach again with my wee man.

A pretty average day today apart from that.

Three good things though.

1. I got some good news from school about classes.

2. I'm sipping a glass of Hawke's Bay Babich Syrah, 2006. It's got a Gold Royal Easter Show Wine Award and is rather yummy.

3. The house smells of freshly cooked bread.

Cousteau's asleep on his bed. I'm quaffing wine and it's Friday night.

Not a bad day after all. :)

My thoughts go to Julia today. So sorry for the loss of your Ma, Julia. Thinking of you. Hugs from me and licks from Cousteau. XXX

This poem of my Gran's jumped out at me today:


Have you ever noticed, just what a smile can do.
The magic of that first smile, your baby gives to you.

The knowing smile of lovers, exchanged across a room,
The tender smile a bride gives as she glances at her groom.

The happy smile of children, contented in their play,
The gentle smile of older folk, as they cherish every day.

Yes, I think we realise just what smile can do,
So why not give a few away, they'll come right back to you.


I used to do this all the time but have gotten out of the habit.

I don't smile enough these days and this made me laugh out loud:

LOTD - James Thanks :)

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