
..... if you will keep moving my bed about.

I don't quite know why I have cat beds.  I've never had them for any of my other cats.  The beds are usually in the sitting room, and I move them before the girls come over.  In case they trip over them.

This time I put them in my husband's office, Neo managed to find it anyway.

I looked after the girls for only about any hour today.  So I went over to their house.  Peter went off to work, and not long after Alexandra came home.

Isabella wanted to play a game, that I played with her weeks ago!  She remembered it, but I couldn't.  Then I suddenly remembered.

It was about a naughty fox, who kept kidnapping her doll.  This time the naughty fox had dug a big hole in the kitchen, and we all had to jump into it and follow him.

Somehow, we ended up in the bathroom, where Isabella shut the door.  But, Mia wasn't too keen on that, so we had to follow the fox, back out into the sitting room, and creep up on him behind the settee.

I wonder if they play these sort of games at day care?

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