Big Sky

After breakfast this morning I transported a load of fabric and kits for Mrs madwill - she had a trader stand booked at a Quilters Guild meeting taking place in the next village. After helping her set up I had to go to the studio to collect a few more bits for her.

Home for coffee then a bit of photo tidying up - yay free time!

I took Finlay out late morning and the sun was beginning to burn through the cloud and the mist. As we walked over the field the view was quite spectacular with the rays from the sun fanning out across the village.

I had earlier photographed another fungus - but decided not to blip that today. Don’t want to appear overly fanatical about fungi. Of course it may feature another day if I go that way again and have nothing else to blip.

Shortly I will be off to collect Mrs madwill and the stock and return them to the studio. Mrs madwill will of course come home with me afterwards….

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