Love these two little faces

Deklan & Ruby, two of our younger Grandies, we collected them from school today, Ruby had to check on her little guinea pig Coco, both were quite happy to see he is happy in his enclosure, Ruby said "she is happy that her other guinea pig swordy isn't fighting anymore" bless, Deklan gave me a few tips on how to stroke Cocoa's head to keep him happy.
After a few games of 'go fish',  'match up' a few acrobatics by Ruby and endless questions i asked 'how do you manage to sit still in class?" Rubys answer was "thats very hard Nanna" haha the teachers do a fantastic job, meanwhile Deklan ploughed his way through his afternoon snacks and tried out all his new jokes he had heard.
As you can see the tooth fairy has paid a visit recently to their house, already their faces are changing they are both growing so fast.

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