
By IrvingFlashman


Uni happened. Reading happened.
Some of the people on my course drive me absolutely insane. Arrogance unbounded.
The girls and I took a trip to Asda. Sian bought the happiest Christmas Elf slippers which are still making me smile.
Treated myself to some Strawberry YooMoo frozen yoghurt. Delicious and healthy.

The baby brother didn't Skype me, despite me sitting in front of my laptop for about two hours waiting. I felt a little let down but then had a reality check and reminded myself that the kid is one of the least reliable people ever produced. Turns out he was sleeping after falling during a Ski so I forgave him.
Not sure when I'll get to speak to him. He's been gone for almost a month and all I've seen of him is a very pixellated picture of his face for about three minutes. I miss him a lot.

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