
We met up with our daughter and granddaughter at Elsecar Heritage Centre (just a 40 mile jaunt down the M1, in the fog and pouring rain).

We wanted to visit a little shop that sells lovely wooden toys, to find something for youngest granddaughter for C*******s. Sadly the shop was closed (until tomorrow). We did have coffee and cake in the cafe though..and a wander round the other units. I liked this window display of lamps.

I wandered down to the steam engine line whilst the others looked in clothes and craft shops. One engine was being warmed up for service…and was just creating a lot of smoke and not much steam. See extra.

Stopped for lunch in Wentworth (Rockingham Arms) and then back to daughter's house. Baby Emily fell asleep on me, so the others went to collect eldest from school.

Dark and miserable drive home…fog and rain again. No walk for Finlay today…but he still manages to be fast asleep.

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