Tel's Blips

By TerryS365

-200 BLIPS

Today is my Blip No. 200 and this morning I found that the household appliances had all set themselves to 200. How on earth did they know?

I was introduced to blipfoto by Super Blipper John Gravett and at first thought that I would only be an occasional subscriber. However like so many on the site I find that I have now published 200 blips without break and it has now become part of my lifestyle and something of an obsession.

This is a wonderful friendly community and I have been fortunate to be in contact with many blip friends and am constantly inspired by the high standard of photography often from places I will never get the chance to visit. Thank you to every one who has taken the time to view and comment on my journal, I read and appreciate every comment made.

So far it has been an experience which has made me look at the world more closely and has taken my picture making into areas I would not have considered previously.

So now onto the 300

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