A Victorian Christmas

The usual gym this morning with a quick visit to Aldi on the way home to collect a few things including some of their Christmassy offers.

Went to Tenterden Christmas Market in the late afternoon to watch the procession and peruse the many stalls lining the street of this fine Wealden town. Didn’t buy very much, contributed to a few charity raffles, tombolas and spin the wheel to little success. Sampled a rather fine Christmas ale from The Old Dairy Brewery, called Snowtop. The brewery is adjacent to the KESR Station at Tenterden Town. A bottle or two of that will go down very well over the festive period.

Doreen fancied fish and chips rather than the offering of omelette and salad so we called in at the chippy on the way home. A large portion of haddock and a pile of chips soon disappeared.

Today’s blip is of a small section of Tenterden High Street which looks unchanged in 120 years. The extra is of the crib in St Mildred’s Church and a rather interesting boat and shadow hanging in the Church

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