The Gazweasel Times

By gazweasel

Friday bottom #22

So, the wonderful statue of the lascivious Eve has left the V&A. In her place is a statue of Psyche. Still beautiful and still naked though not quite as lascivious.

Psyche was made by Francis Derwent Wood in about 1908-1919. For anyone who doesn't know...Psyche was hotter than Helen and poor old Aphrodite wasn't happy about it. She sent a puckish Cupid down to shoot one of his magic arrows into her so she'd fall in love with a turnip or something similar.

Of course, in the way of most myths, it all went a bit Pete Tong and Cupid fell hopelessly in love with Psyche. This upset Aphrodite even more and she tried all manner of ways to rid herself of the beautiful Psyche. Nothing worked and eventually Cupid and Psyche settled down and enjoyed each other for ever...Psyche was conveniently made immortal.

Anyway, I reckon she's a bit of all right. If you want to see the rest of her, here is the Full statue.

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