River of Flowers

By doffy

Monday: Demolition in Benllech

Title refers to today’s extra photos, the old medical centre in Benllech has been demolished and looks like building of the new Co-op grocery store has started.
Main blip is the Cotoneaster with a beautiful blue sky around lunch time.
Very wet start this morning but it had cleared by the time I went for my blood test and blood pressure taken, a bit too high again ... need to have it checked in a few weeks time.
Walked down to the square, chatted with our old friends, Ken Bridges and neighbour Thelma.
Rummaged in the charity shop, found big bag of knitting yarn in lots of bright colours for £4, I’ve started a little project already! Also found lengths of white and grey tape, which I’ve been using with felt - a productive shopping spree!!
Did a little gardening when I got back: lifted hellebore seedlings and potted them into cells, moved pots around in the greenhouse and evicted slugs and snails, then I had lunch and watched another episode of “Cadfael” :-))

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