Open your eyes

By tocantis

My funny Valentine

Happy Valentines day to all!

Today has been inspirationeles..

I got the last book of te twilight saga in my hands today. =D

But I can't open it (it's in plastic wrap) before monday 'cause on Monday I stil have an exam.

I was sad today because on the tram was a little dog and the ownner (a man) didn't pick the dog up although it was tiny (lookes like a yorkie) and the tram was full. So a woman stepped on to the dogs tail and didn't seem to notica even though the dog screamed. The dogowner pushed the woman away and there was a thick handfull of hair from the dogs tail on the floor. No wonder the dog screamed..
The woman was apologising but trying to appear like it wasn't her fault.
It just makes me so sad because the animals can't speak for themselves...

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