Early morning visitor

A little Blippy lookalike was happily munching away on the grass between the pavers when I looked out of the kitchen window this morning.  He/She definite wasn't worried about me.  This is the first post I have made for well over two weeks now.  It's the longest break I have had from blipfoto.

My days have been full and exhausting as we have been working consistently with a long list of people who will be instrumental in allowing us to stay at Wombat Hollow for many years to come, well that's certainly our objective.  The help is actually for both of us as it's important that I can stay well in order to care for my wonderful partner.  I have an inkling of what's ahead because of the challenges both of our parents faced in later life.  I have been taking photos over this time but by the end of the day have been happy to fall into bed and dream of happier days ahead.  The plan we have been implementing over the past few weeks will hopefully allow us to hit the ground running after the New Year.  We will have a routine in place that will work to keep us both well and  happy.

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