Just Me

By clive1079


This morning the weather was lovely, this evening the weather is awful.
This is Bridge 164 over the Grand Union Canal. A Victorian bridge and one of the entrances to The Grove Hotel. The hotel plays host to many celebrities and footballers and also Barrack Obama has stayed there a few times as has Bill Cilnton. You can spend a night there for the price of a small car.
This is one of the bridges I walk under when out wandering along the canal path.

We have had armed police on our estate for most of the day. A premises was raided and five people all lined up and handcuffed and taken away, I believe it involved a machete attack on a guy the other day. 
Funny thing was I took about six videos and it didn't even occur to me to take a blip photo! Duh!! There's never a dull moment where I live.

Another huge thank you for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts that I received for the calf photo. It really is appreciated.

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a great Saturday.

Photo: Bridge 164, Chandlers Cross, Watford, Herts (and the extra).

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