Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Ready to make waves

I cobbled this together for an email Nikki sent to her friends and thought it a good bit of fun to post here too.

"...Jiggy wails, Jiggy wails, Jiggy's on the way!!" (sing to the tune of Jingle Bells)

...Well, okay, not quite, but our little bundle of soon-to-be-baby became full-term yesterday at 37 weeks. So now we just have to wait and see over the next 5 weeks when Jiggy decides to join the festivities. We've been sagely advised to add an extra 15 days to our due date (23 Dec) for a more realistic timeframe of when the bub will be born. If he's anything like his Mama, he'll be staying cosy and tucked up inside me for as long as possible, getting all the Zzzzzs that he can. However, if he's anything like his Dad, Grandmas (on both sides) or Uncle AJ, I think he'll be wanting to get out early so he can join in all the seasonal celebrations.

So, please send your bets in for when you think he might grace us with his presence. I've got my money down on a New Year's baby or on the prophetic 21 December when the world is apparently ending (since I know my world--as I know it--certainly won't be the same ever again!). Whoever gets the date right will win a special Jiggy prize!

I can surprisingly say that I have absolutely loved being pregnant. For one, I finally have the taut, hard stomach that I have always wanted (never mind the fact that it sticks out a million miles) and I love wearing maternity jeans & trousers even though I can still squeeze into most of my pre-pregnancy stuff - I just love that you can just pull them up over your belly, no worrying about buttons or undone zips - they are like grown-up pull-up pants - perfect for a lazy woman like me. On a more serious note, I've just been incredibly lucky to suffer very few side-effects of being up the duff - even the simple stuff like having to pee more often - nup, not me. Jim is the one that gets up in the middle of the night and I'm like 'hey! I'm the pregnant one here!' Maybe he's suffering it as a side-effect to his own sympathy pregnancy, hehehe, my poor love.

We're pretty much as ready as we can be for when the day arrives - we've got all the baby-related paraphenalia, I've been reading a million books and websites (and Jagger has been watching Johnson & Johnson sponsored Youtube videos such as 'how to change a nappy') and the 'hospital bags' are in the midst of being packed. Of crucial importance, however, has been putting together our music playlist to listen to whilst in labour. There are some absolute doozies on there, such as 'I wanna be sedated' by the Ramones, 'Break on through' by the Doors and 'Ready or not (here I come)' by the Fugees. And if you'll allow me to be my very un-PC self for a moment, my absolute fave track so far is 'When the sh_t goes down (you better be ready)' by Cypress Hill, which reminds me of one my ante-natal classes where many of the girls had horrified expressions on their faces when the midwife let slip that, yes, it is quite common for the lady to push out a 'number 2' while pushing out the baby. It makes me giggle every time I hear the tune. So, please please please, if you think of any great birthing-related tunes, please do send me your suggestions. We've got just over 100 tracks--about 8 hours--but we could need much much more!

We have also whittled down our list of possible names to 5 (as well as one girl's name just in case the sonographer was wrong!) We wont decide until after Jiggy is born, so that'll be at least one surprise.

So there aren't any more pics of baby scans, since we haven't had any since the 20-week mark. We did, however, take a silly pic yesterday to capture the landmark of coming to full-term, and I have attached it so you can see the huge belly! I've also attached a pic of Jim's incredible nursery room mural, just in case you haven't seen it on facebook - there's a few finishing bits to go, but it's almost done.

And that's that. The next email will be to announce the arrival of little Jiggy! So, if you don't hear anything, it's because he hasn't arrived yet, not because I've forgotten you.

I hope everyone has a cracker of a Xmas and New Years, and please drink lots of booze on my behalf!

Nikk x

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