.......................... all washed up, burned out, dead, down and out, out for the count, down the drain, down the tubes, finished, had it, nonfunctioning, busted, defective, gone to pot, out of commission, out of order....................... broken.

Well " the man" came at about 4pm to look at the boiler. After a quick look and a sharp intake of breath he told me I needed a new boiler. Basically the boiler which was put in 4½ years ago was too small for my house. It is the size suitable for a small flat. So it has been working too hard and instead of lasting 10+ years it has now had enough. Even if it was repaired ( a big job anyway ) then it would still be too small. So a new boiler is needed. Bit of a bombshell.

Then another bombshell - he advised turning the boiler off as it wasn't safe with the water dripping - it was coming from something/somewhere inside the boiler and not from a pipe as I had assumed. So no hot water and no central heating. Luckily I have a gas fire in the lounge so downstairs is nice and warm. The cats were amazed when I switched it on because this is the first time they have seen it lit. Also I have a little portable oil filled radiator which I can use in my bedroom - pretty useless but better than nothing.

Ablutions - going to be tricky with a cold bathroom and no hot water.

Because I am a priority- due to having no heating or hot water - I won't have to wait the usual 3 weeks for a new boiler ( 3 weeks! ) and hopefully they should be able to put a new one in by Friday. I really hope so.

Did a bit of online shopping while I was waiting in for the boiler man and this evening I'm going to do ironing - getting a bit of extra warmth

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