
You know that feeling when your computer seems to be getting slower and more sluggish all the time. It takes ages to boot up, programs take ages to load, and everything seems to take a long time.  It's an indication that your computer needs a rebuild:  start again, clean up all the accumulated rubbish, reload the operating system.

I've been feeling the need to do this for some months and today, with suggestions and support from my son, I did it - but rather than just rebuilding the existing hardware, I added a new solid state drive (SSD) to the existing spinning hard drives.  The OS and programs are now loaded on the SSD, and the hard drives are reserved for my data files.

My old computer now feels like a sprightly youngster again.

You know that feeling when you seem to be getting slower and more sluggish all the time.  It takes ages to get up, your brain takes ages to start operating and everything seems to take a long time.  You'd love to have a rebuild.  Is there a human equivalent of an SSD to make me feel like a sprightly youngster again?

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