Mr John

By MrJohn

A bit of .....

..... statuary.

I was suposed to be taking photo's of models modelling jewlery in the woods and on the moor today, but the person who asked me to has been less than organized, so instead I've had a rare day off ( I'd have rather been taking the photos ).

After a morning of sorting out bits of house work, backing up the last 260 days of photos ( it took almost three hours ) and sending a few emails I finally made it out of the house. It's been a bit of a grey damp day, but it's still good to get out and see some daylight for a change ( I need the vitamin D ). I called around to see Mrs P and Mini P to drop of the cowboy hat that I had borrowed for the 'Lemmy' photo. After a cuppa I walked Mrs P to the mother and baby group holding a brolly so the two of them didn't get too wet.

Next stop was a quick look around the local auction saleroom to see what interesting items there were in there this week and then I eventually had a late lunch ( at 3pm ) in the pub, of roast pork sandwhiches with chips and gravy. I decided to pop in to the manor house museum on my way home and was pleased to see that they currently have an exhibition of photos by members of the local camera club, there was some great work on display. I'll have to pop along to one of their monthly meetings some time soon. Whilst in the Manor house I took this quick snap of a decapetated head on one of the window ledges in the museum.

This evening I've been tempo training with the harriers and after getting home am now too knackered to go out again and take a better photo, so today's blip is .....

..... A bit of statuary.

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