Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Boxing Day

Rich and I hosted a bit of a buffet for the family today (continuing in our trend of cooking and eating far too much at this time of year!) Lexi was as full of beans as ever; getting a not-blurry photo of her is nigh on impossible as she's constantly running, skipping, dancing, rolling and jumping! I love it though, because she always seems happy. Freddie was slightly more chilled, choosing to occasionally sit on laps and read books, however our toy and console collection always captures his interest so we have to spend a fair bit of time going "Freddie, no, put it down!" Zoe, Greg, Ma and the kids left first as they were off to my Nan's for the evening, so Pam, Jay, Sarah, Rich and I played a few games whilst nursing our food baby bellies. 

I love Christmas!

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