A private nurse

Raspberry is my private nurse in a golden fur suit. I have a horrendous cough and it’s finally gotten the best of me and I’ve retreated to the bed. We have had a fabulous party weekend with family a friends. We began with a Friday evening party with food, fun, a story slam and sing-a-long. I didn’t feel great, but managed to have a really grand time. As our friend Dolly’s granddad used to say , a Royal Day. We hosted a brunch yesterday for friends and family, I felt worse, but BB did all the cooking and it was delicious. All of our camp friends came and T’s sister C and niece, folks we don’t see as often and also folks we are lucky enough to see all the time. BB is making omelets today as we bid farewell to our pals from Vermont. Sadly, I’m staying put in bed today.

Tomorrow night is our 5th Anniversary ( actually 26th) and we had plans to head to Boston for a special dinner with Gregory, BB and our friend Karen, as we did last year. T is still suffering from her cold and my coughing is impossible, so we will cancel the reservations and cook something at home. What matters is being together with people we love and we certainly have done that since Friday night.

Raspberry is stretched out with me, she isn’t fond of coughing, but is bearing up and being a comforting nurse along with my humans.

For the Record,
This day came in sunny and cool.

All hands happy to be together.

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