Muswell Hill

So I finished the Muswell Hill model and set it out on a sort of roadway. Added some trees, people etc. That is up in the cabinet now. I also made some modifications to another layout, added some trees and people. They are quite difficult to photograph properly as the cabinets are all glass and give off so much reflection.
We also hung the remaining two pictures that were reframed recently. Side by side in the living room and I'm pleased to say I got them exactly level with each other. Phew.
And in other news.. It seems I have been published. (see extra) Ha ha. One of our local small village magazines has a selection of pictures each month from the local Facebook wildlife group I belong to and this month one of my pictures was submitted (top one, magpie) fame at last... I've blurred the rest of the publication as I know advertising is not permitted on blip, and most of the magazine is just that...!!

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