They match! These figures of the Commedia dell'Arte.
My entry for the Mono Monday Challenge, with the theme: match.
Huge thanks to JohnEdward for hosting this last month of the year.
When we visited our friend Gerlinde yesterday she told us that today from
Helmarshausen a torch walk up the hill where the ruin Krukenburg is situated will be organised and if we want to walk with her, not from Helmarshausen, bur from our town.
We found it an exiting idea. And in the dark we walked the path uphill.
Piet Hein shone with his floodlight on the ground before us.
We reached a bit earlier the ruin, and waited there with some other people till the persons from Helmarshausen came. A sight of the Middle Ages in a way when we saw them coming in the dark.
At the food of the ruin we stood in a circle, and the clergyman said a prayer, and we sang 4 songs, the lyrics were given to each of us.
Then it was ended, we met through Gerlinde several friends of her, and in the end we walked back the same way as we had come.
Now it is time to wait and see how the new year is hurrying towards us.

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