Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo

Flash! Ah-aah!

Yesterday morning the Audi woke up with a flat battery. Charged it up and, so far, it seems OK and is charging when driving but couldn’t see anything left on or any other reason for a flat.
Our friends A and P and A and F came for lunch - we all started work together a hundred years ago. It was good to see them all.
M and L arrived from Devon in the afternoon.
And today, after a run over to stick Mum’s new TV on the wall (a couple of days ago I pronounced her old TV dead and we bought a new one from John Lewis) we met up with H’s friend R and her parents and her parents’ dog, Flash. He’s great! And his owners were very positive about dog ownership...

After that we all went to the Turkish restaurant for an early Birthday meal for H. Very nice.
And football in the evening.

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